Top 25 countdown of 2019

#1 The Dresden Files

The Dresden Files
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The Dresden Files
By: Jim Butcher
Narrated by: James Marsters

Book 1 – Storm Front
Book 2 – Fool Moon
Book 3 – Grave Peril
Book 4 – Summer Knight
Book 5 – Death Masks
Book 6 – Blood Rites
Book 7 – Dead Beat
Book 8 – Proven Guilty
Book 9 – White Night
Book 10 – Small Favor
Book 11 – Turn Coat
Book 12 – Changes
Book 13 – Ghost Story
Book 14 – Cold Days
Book 15 – Skin Game
Book 16 – Peace Talks (Release date July 17, 2020)

“My name is Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden. Conjure by it at your own risk. I’m a wizard. I work out of an office in midtown Chicago. As far as I know, I’m the only openly practicing professional wizard in the country. You can find me in the yellow pages, under ‘Wizards’. Believe it or not, I’m the only one there.”

The Dresden Files makes the #1 list this year. The main reason this series is number one is the fact that many friends have read or are in the middle of reading them. When you are able to talk to others about a series and get a social element out of it outside of the books it really takes things to a whole new level. During my second read though and speaking to others about it made me realize that this book above all others has given me the most enjoyment.

The story is very good and with so many books you get great character development of all the side characters in the story. There are 2 books I want to call out in this series though. Book 3 is when the story really starts picking up and you get into some of the deep story lines that impact the series. BOOK 12 Changes, may be one of the most intense books I have ever read. Jim Butcher has stated that this is the middle point in Harry Dresden’s story and I will just say the Changes is the only name fitting for this book. Narrator James Marsters (Spike from Buffy and Angel) is perfect for these books and really nails all of the character voices.

I really hope this post will lead others to try out this Urban Fantasy series and talk to me about it while you read through. Also planning on a book club party after Peace Talks comes out later this year. Fuego!

Jim Butcher and me at Phoenix Comic-con.