Top 25 countdown of 2019

#10 Star Wars

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Star Wars Books

I decided to group my favorite Star Wars books into number 10. I did my best to list them in order of how much I enjoyed them, but if you love Star Wars I would strongly recommend these books.

Book 1 – So good it ranks higher on the list
Book 2 – Star Wars: Lost Stars
Book 3 – From a Certain Point of View
Book 4 – Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel
Book 5 – Aftermath: The Force Awakens (3 books)
Book 6 – Star Wars: Bloodline – New Republic
Book 7 – The Last Jedi Leia, Princess of Alderaan
Book 8 – Queen’s Shadow
Book 9 – Lords of the Sith
Book 10 – All of Timothy Zahn’s old work. (Not Canon)
– Star Wars: Heir to the Empire: The Thrawn Trilogy
– Star Wars: Specter of the Past: The Hand of Thrawn
– Allegiance: Star Wars Legends
– Scoundrels: Star Wars Legends

Side notes:
– From a Certain Point of View is the best book for someone who has seen Star Wars (A New Hope). It is 40 stories told by 40 authors, from the point of view of characters barely seen on screen. It is canon and really adds a lot to the first ever Star Wars movie.
– Catalyst is my favorite tie in book and really adds a bunch of story to the Rogue One movie. If you liked the movie this is a must read.
– Timothy Zahn’s old work is really really good. Without those books and the success it had we would not be living in a world of new Star Wars content. It is however no longer canon since Discney took over.