Top 25 countdown of 2019

#4 Ready Player One

Ready Player One
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Ready Player One
By: Ernest Cline
Narrated by: Wil Wheaton

This is my favorite standalone book and I have read it more times than any other book. I don’t believe in loaning people books and loved this book so much I have bought and gifted this book to 43 people. I always have a copy on my desk at work to give to someone who I think would love the book. If you are a nerd of any kind and grew up with teen years in the 80’s or 90’s then 100% this is the book for you. Sure it is a book with just a bunch of 80’s references, but Star Wars, movies, Dungeons and Dragons, and video games were such a big part of my life it resonated to me on many different levels. The movie did not do the book justice though and if you saw the movie I would still very much recommend this book. Also Wil Wheaton narrating is better than you would think. Be a gunter, not a sixer.