Top 25 countdown of 2019

#23 The City Stained Red

The City Stained Red
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The City Stained Red
By: Sam Sykes
Narrated by: David DeSantos

This is an action-packed novel with great fight scenes. It really felt like I was reading a D&D campaign as a party of 6 characters with different skills join up to take down the big bad. And this makes sense as I have seen/met Sam Sykes at Phoenix Comic-con and San Diego Comic-con. He runs a panel called All Bards that is wildly entertaining and guarantee many hearty laughs if you attend. As funny as Sam is and well worth the admission to any Comic-con you can tell he is a very knowledgeable author and passionate about the fantasy genera. I have only read the first book in the series, but The Mortal Tally and God’s Last Breath are on the top of my wish list once time allows.

Brandon Sanderson, Sam Sykes, Patrick Rothfuss, V. E. Schwab