Top 25 countdown of 2019

#22 Books of the Ancestor

Books of the Ancestor
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Books of the Ancestor
By: Mark Lawrence
Narrated by: Heather O’Neill
Red Sister – Book 1
Grey Sister – Book 2
Holy Sister – Book 3

I attended a panel called Writing Rebel Girls at Phoenix Comic-con and realized 95% of the books I have read did not have a female protagonist. Red Sister had been on my wish list for over a year and by the end of the panel I bought the book and downloaded it. It is a shame that most of the fantasy genera is primarily male protagonists and double shame to myself for not even realizing it. The Books of the Ancestor series is a somewhat dark coming of age story of a girl named Nona. Mark Lawrence does a great job of making you feel for the main character, but the real award goes to Heather O’Neill who narrates it. Heather does a magnificent job with all of the character voices. I would recommend reading all 3 books in a row as the third book doesn’t pick up as well in the beginning as the other two.