Top 25 countdown of 2019

#1 The Dresden Files

The Dresden Files
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The Dresden Files
By: Jim Butcher
Narrated by: James Marsters

Book 1 – Storm Front
Book 2 – Fool Moon
Book 3 – Grave Peril
Book 4 – Summer Knight
Book 5 – Death Masks
Book 6 – Blood Rites
Book 7 – Dead Beat
Book 8 – Proven Guilty
Book 9 – White Night
Book 10 – Small Favor
Book 11 – Turn Coat
Book 12 – Changes
Book 13 – Ghost Story
Book 14 – Cold Days
Book 15 – Skin Game
Book 16 – Peace Talks (Release date July 17, 2020)

“My name is Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden. Conjure by it at your own risk. I’m a wizard. I work out of an office in midtown Chicago. As far as I know, I’m the only openly practicing professional wizard in the country. You can find me in the yellow pages, under ‘Wizards’. Believe it or not, I’m the only one there.”

The Dresden Files makes the #1 list this year. The main reason this series is number one is the fact that many friends have read or are in the middle of reading them. When you are able to talk to others about a series and get a social element out of it outside of the books it really takes things to a whole new level. During my second read though and speaking to others about it made me realize that this book above all others has given me the most enjoyment.

The story is very good and with so many books you get great character development of all the side characters in the story. There are 2 books I want to call out in this series though. Book 3 is when the story really starts picking up and you get into some of the deep story lines that impact the series. BOOK 12 Changes, may be one of the most intense books I have ever read. Jim Butcher has stated that this is the middle point in Harry Dresden’s story and I will just say the Changes is the only name fitting for this book. Narrator James Marsters (Spike from Buffy and Angel) is perfect for these books and really nails all of the character voices.

I really hope this post will lead others to try out this Urban Fantasy series and talk to me about it while you read through. Also planning on a book club party after Peace Talks comes out later this year. Fuego!

Jim Butcher and me at Phoenix Comic-con.
Top 25 countdown of 2019

#2 Stormlight Archive

Stormlight Archive
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Stormlight Archive
By: Brandon Sanderson
Narrated by: Kate Reading, Michael Kramer

Book 1 – The Way of Kings
Book 2 – Words of Radiance
Book 3 – Oathbringer
Book 4 – Release date November 17th 2020

This is by far my favorite epic fantasy series ever and just getting started. Just 3 books into Brandon Sanderson’s 10+ book EPIC series. These are huge books with a audible run time of 45, 48, 55 hours. Also these are the main books to his universe that he created called the cosmere. There are 36 books he has release in the cosmere that span to other series and stand alone books. It is narrated by the best pair in the business Kate Reading and Michael Kramer. Kaladin is one of my favorite characters in any book I have read. Also I have to mention the world building is incredible and I expect nothing less from the master of creating worlds and magic systems, Mr. Brandon Sanderson. The only downside I would give to this series is get though 10% – 20% of the first book. I actually bought this book and read a few chapters then stopped and got a refund. Then my friend Aaron Johnson convinced me to try it again and after a few chapters I put it away. I was pushing my #3 Riyria Revelations to him and we made an agreement that we would read each others recommendations. The rest is history and I am so thankful I got into this series. At #2 I obviously recommend this to anyone and everyone.

Top 25 countdown of 2019

#3 Riyria Revelations

Riyria Revelations
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Riyria Revelations
By: Michael J. Sullivan
Narrated by: Tim Gerard Reynolds

Book 1 – Theft of Swords
Book 2 – Rise of Empire
Book 3 – Heir of Novron

This is my favorite completed fantasy series. The end of this book is exciting and very fulfilling. Many books will rush to the ending leaving you wanting more, but this wraps up the story so very well. Even though this did not influence my decision it most certainly adds to the quality of this series, #9 The Riyria Chronicles is currently 4 books that take place starting 8 years prior and #16 Legends of the First Empire is Michael J. Sullivan’s current series that takes place over 3,000 years in the past. All of this content makes for great world building as everything adds a little more to the world of Elan. The magic in this world is pretty low key and does not take a big part in this story and instead focuses on 2 main protagonists Hadrian and Royce which compliment each other extremely well and makes for incredible story telling. On a side note Michael and his wife Robin are so friendly when I met them. They self publish their books now via kickstarter and have side contracts with audible so that they can use one of the best narrators around in Tim Gerard Reynolds.

Top 25 countdown of 2019

#4 Ready Player One

Ready Player One
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Ready Player One
By: Ernest Cline
Narrated by: Wil Wheaton

This is my favorite standalone book and I have read it more times than any other book. I don’t believe in loaning people books and loved this book so much I have bought and gifted this book to 43 people. I always have a copy on my desk at work to give to someone who I think would love the book. If you are a nerd of any kind and grew up with teen years in the 80’s or 90’s then 100% this is the book for you. Sure it is a book with just a bunch of 80’s references, but Star Wars, movies, Dungeons and Dragons, and video games were such a big part of my life it resonated to me on many different levels. The movie did not do the book justice though and if you saw the movie I would still very much recommend this book. Also Wil Wheaton narrating is better than you would think. Be a gunter, not a sixer.

Top 25 countdown of 2019

#5 Star Wars: Thrawn

Star Wars: Thrawn
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Star Wars: Thrawn
By: Timothy Zahn
Narrated by: Marc Thompson

Book 1 – Thrawn (Star Wars)
Book 2 – Thrawn: Alliances (Star Wars)
Book 3 – Thrawn: Treason

This makes #5 due to the fact that it is my favorite audio book. Meaning I would not recommend this book in paperback since you get so much from the audio version. Credit to the publisher Random House Audio. A lot of the book takes place in Thrawn’s mind and the audio transitions to that are amazing. As Thrawn is a master tactician you can really get into his mind. Timothy Zahn is the master of writing Star Wars books as well and the true reason why we have more Star Wars movies and content today due to his early works in the 90’s. It was a tough decision with this choice at #5 though since books 1 and 3 are my favorite Star Wars books where book 2 I really didn’t enjoy that much. Maybe I hyped book 2 too much in my mind after loving book 1 so much. These books are cannon and officially part of the Disney Star Wars story line. I believe this is the highest rated Star Wars book as well at 4.8/5.

Top 25 countdown of 2019

#6 Kingkiller Chronicle

Kingkiller Chronicle
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Kingkiller Chronicle
By: Patrick Rothfuss
Narrated by: Nick Podehl

Book 1 – The Name of the Wind
Book 2 – The Wise Man’s Fear
Book 3 – The Doors of Stone (No release date)

I may get shot for not ranking this book higher, but the fact of the matter is that book 3 is not out yet and really need to read that before truly giving this a final rating. Also it has been 5+ years since I read it and am waiting for book 3 announcement before reading a second time. With that said I still ranked this book #6 due to it being my favorite magic system in any book to date. I also found this book to be unique as the older main character is telling a story about his younger self. Rothfuss’ writing really make you want to root for the main character Kvothe and toys with your emotions up and down throughout the series. Special thanks to my friend John Braverman for the recommendation years ago.

Patrick Rothfuss at Phoenix Comic-con
Top 25 countdown of 2019

#7 Daemon

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By: Daniel Suarez
Narrated by: Jeff Gurner

Book 1 – Daemon
Book 2 – Freedom (TM)

This is one of those books that is so good you remember where you were in real life when you were reading it. For me it was moving into my new home 5 years ago. This is also the only book on my list that is probably not considered a fantasy or sci-fi book and is probably more of a suspense or thriller. I have ready many books by Daniel Suarez, but this is the only one I really just could not put down. Very fast paced, incredible narrating by Jeff Gurner, and takes place in the modern world of computer. PSA, there is a chapter early in book one that is not really relevant to the story and take place at a rave that is adult content, would not recommend this book for teens.

Top 25 countdown of 2019

#8 Gentleman Bastard Sequence

Gentleman Bastard Sequence
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Gentleman Bastard Sequence
By: Scott Lynch
Narrated by: Michael Page

Book 1 – The Lies of Locke Lamora
Book 2 – Red Seas Under Red Skies
Book 3 – The Replublic of Thieves

First thing I want to say is give this series a try for at least the first book. It does take about 25% of the first book for things to really come together and start making sense and once it does you are in for a ride of a lifetime. I would consider this as a fantasy sub genre called grimdark. Nobody is really honorable, the world is a nasty brutish place, and it is just kind of cynical and dark. This all combines together to make for incredible character interactions and development. The world building is less than what I am used to, but the story just doesn’t need that since you are really caring and feeling for the characters. A must read for anyone who has read a lot of fantasy novels and wants to experience something new. It is not on the same scope of Game of Thones, but if you enjoyed those novels/shows you will probably enjoy these.

Hanging out with Scott Lynch at Phoenix Comic-con
Top 25 countdown of 2019

#9 The Riyria Chronicles

The Riyria Chronicles
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The Riyria Chronicles
By: Michael J. Sullivan
Narrated by: Tim Gerard Reynolds

Book 1 – The Crown Tower
Book 2 – The Rose and Thorn
Book 3 – The Death of Dulgath
Book 4 – The Disappearance of Winter’s Daughter

These are prequel books that take place 8 years prior to the series Riyria Revelations. Book 1 tells the story of how the 2 main characters Royce and Hadrian (together known as Riyria) meet and eventually star working together. Each book after that are standalone books that represent 1 year of time together. There is still room for 4 more books and Michael J. Sullivan has stated that he will eventually get to these in between other projects. I love these books as there are two main characters that compliment each other well and that makes for great storytelling. I 100% recommend reading Riyria Revelations first!!!

Top 25 countdown of 2019

#10 Star Wars

Star Wars
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Star Wars Books

I decided to group my favorite Star Wars books into number 10. I did my best to list them in order of how much I enjoyed them, but if you love Star Wars I would strongly recommend these books.

Book 1 – So good it ranks higher on the list
Book 2 – Star Wars: Lost Stars
Book 3 – From a Certain Point of View
Book 4 – Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel
Book 5 – Aftermath: The Force Awakens (3 books)
Book 6 – Star Wars: Bloodline – New Republic
Book 7 – The Last Jedi Leia, Princess of Alderaan
Book 8 – Queen’s Shadow
Book 9 – Lords of the Sith
Book 10 – All of Timothy Zahn’s old work. (Not Canon)
– Star Wars: Heir to the Empire: The Thrawn Trilogy
– Star Wars: Specter of the Past: The Hand of Thrawn
– Allegiance: Star Wars Legends
– Scoundrels: Star Wars Legends

Side notes:
– From a Certain Point of View is the best book for someone who has seen Star Wars (A New Hope). It is 40 stories told by 40 authors, from the point of view of characters barely seen on screen. It is canon and really adds a lot to the first ever Star Wars movie.
– Catalyst is my favorite tie in book and really adds a bunch of story to the Rogue One movie. If you liked the movie this is a must read.
– Timothy Zahn’s old work is really really good. Without those books and the success it had we would not be living in a world of new Star Wars content. It is however no longer canon since Discney took over.