Top 25 countdown of 2019

#1 The Dresden Files

The Dresden Files
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The Dresden Files
By: Jim Butcher
Narrated by: James Marsters

Book 1 – Storm Front
Book 2 – Fool Moon
Book 3 – Grave Peril
Book 4 – Summer Knight
Book 5 – Death Masks
Book 6 – Blood Rites
Book 7 – Dead Beat
Book 8 – Proven Guilty
Book 9 – White Night
Book 10 – Small Favor
Book 11 – Turn Coat
Book 12 – Changes
Book 13 – Ghost Story
Book 14 – Cold Days
Book 15 – Skin Game
Book 16 – Peace Talks (Release date July 17, 2020)

“My name is Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden. Conjure by it at your own risk. I’m a wizard. I work out of an office in midtown Chicago. As far as I know, I’m the only openly practicing professional wizard in the country. You can find me in the yellow pages, under ‘Wizards’. Believe it or not, I’m the only one there.”

The Dresden Files makes the #1 list this year. The main reason this series is number one is the fact that many friends have read or are in the middle of reading them. When you are able to talk to others about a series and get a social element out of it outside of the books it really takes things to a whole new level. During my second read though and speaking to others about it made me realize that this book above all others has given me the most enjoyment.

The story is very good and with so many books you get great character development of all the side characters in the story. There are 2 books I want to call out in this series though. Book 3 is when the story really starts picking up and you get into some of the deep story lines that impact the series. BOOK 12 Changes, may be one of the most intense books I have ever read. Jim Butcher has stated that this is the middle point in Harry Dresden’s story and I will just say the Changes is the only name fitting for this book. Narrator James Marsters (Spike from Buffy and Angel) is perfect for these books and really nails all of the character voices.

I really hope this post will lead others to try out this Urban Fantasy series and talk to me about it while you read through. Also planning on a book club party after Peace Talks comes out later this year. Fuego!

Jim Butcher and me at Phoenix Comic-con.
Top 25 countdown of 2019

#2 Stormlight Archive

Stormlight Archive
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Stormlight Archive
By: Brandon Sanderson
Narrated by: Kate Reading, Michael Kramer

Book 1 – The Way of Kings
Book 2 – Words of Radiance
Book 3 – Oathbringer
Book 4 – Release date November 17th 2020

This is by far my favorite epic fantasy series ever and just getting started. Just 3 books into Brandon Sanderson’s 10+ book EPIC series. These are huge books with a audible run time of 45, 48, 55 hours. Also these are the main books to his universe that he created called the cosmere. There are 36 books he has release in the cosmere that span to other series and stand alone books. It is narrated by the best pair in the business Kate Reading and Michael Kramer. Kaladin is one of my favorite characters in any book I have read. Also I have to mention the world building is incredible and I expect nothing less from the master of creating worlds and magic systems, Mr. Brandon Sanderson. The only downside I would give to this series is get though 10% – 20% of the first book. I actually bought this book and read a few chapters then stopped and got a refund. Then my friend Aaron Johnson convinced me to try it again and after a few chapters I put it away. I was pushing my #3 Riyria Revelations to him and we made an agreement that we would read each others recommendations. The rest is history and I am so thankful I got into this series. At #2 I obviously recommend this to anyone and everyone.

Top 25 countdown of 2019

#13 The Demon Cycle

The Demon Cycle
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The Demon Cycle
By: Peter V. Brett
Narrated by: Pete Bradbury

Book 1 – The Warded Man
Book 2 – The Desert Spear
Book 3 – The Daylight War
Book 4 – The Skull Throne
Book 5 – The Core

Now we are talking about some pretty serious adult fantasy epic books. The character development in this series is fantastic and you really feel for the characters. The story is great as well and felt like a roller coaster where things would happen that change the course of the entire story. Sometimes it is easy for politics of a story to be overdone and in this series it feels just right. The ending felt quick, but satisfying in the end.

Top 25 countdown of 2019

#14 Harry Potter

Harry Potter
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Harry Potter
By: J.K. Rowling
Narrated by: Jim Dale

Book 1 – The Sorcerer’s Stone
Book 2 – The Chamber of Secrets
Book 3 – The Prisoner of Azkaban
Book 4 – The Goblet of Fire
Book 5 – The Order of the Phoenix
Book 6 – The Half-Blood Prince
Book 7 – The Deathly Hallows

This was the first book I ever read and was gifted to me by my friend Tony Hsu. I had never been interested in reading books and Tony gave book 1&2 to me and said “read this”. I did and instantly fell in love with all the characters. I have since listened to all the books as well this year and came to the conclusion that I like all of the supporting characters more than Harry Potter. My fondest memory is getting book 7 at midnight, reading for 3 hours, then going to work Friday at 6am with 2 hours of sleep. I proceeded to do nothing but read all weekend with the occasional food or sleep break determined to finish the book before work on Monday. Oh and if you think, eh I saw the movies, that is not good enough as the books as always are better than the movies.

Top 25 countdown of 2019

#15 Inheritance Cycle

Inheritance Cycle
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Inheritance Cycle
By: Christopher Paolini
Narrated by: Gerard Doyle

Book 1 – Eragon
Book 2 – Eldest
Book 3 – Brisingr
Book 4 – Inheritance

DRAGONS, Elves, and a solid magic system. This is actually the first book I ever bought myself to read in hardback. I have read each book and listened to them as well. This book is hands down the best portrayal of elves from any book I have ever read. In addition he writes a great magic system that is believable. It is incredible that Christopher Paolini was in his teens when he wrote this book. As a wedding present my friends Mark and Chelsea gave me a hand drawn map of this world with city names replaced by key locations in my wife and my life. I met Christopher Paolini at Phoenix Comic-con, had some drinks with him, and he signed this custom map for me.

Christopher Paolini
Top 25 countdown of 2019

#16 Legends of the First Empire

Legends of the First Empire
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Legends of the First Empire
By: Michael J. Sullivan
Narrated by: Tim Gerard Reynolds

Book 1 – Age of Myth
Book 2 – Age of Swords
Book 3 – Age of War
Book 4 – Age of Legend
Book 5 – Age of Death (Release Feb 2020)
Book 6 – Age of Empyre (Release TBD)

Michael J. Sullivan is one of my favorite fantasy authors. Tim Gerard Reynolds is one of my favorite narrators. This is a prequel epic fantasy series that takes place over 3,000 years before the first series he release in the world of Elan. This defiantly holds it own, but I would recommend his other series Riyria Revelations first. The series is not fully released yet, but the final two books are schedule to come out next year (2020). This series has strong male and female characters, but not full of sex or violence. Most of all, this is just great storytelling.

Top 25 countdown of 2019

#23 The City Stained Red

The City Stained Red
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The City Stained Red
By: Sam Sykes
Narrated by: David DeSantos

This is an action-packed novel with great fight scenes. It really felt like I was reading a D&D campaign as a party of 6 characters with different skills join up to take down the big bad. And this makes sense as I have seen/met Sam Sykes at Phoenix Comic-con and San Diego Comic-con. He runs a panel called All Bards that is wildly entertaining and guarantee many hearty laughs if you attend. As funny as Sam is and well worth the admission to any Comic-con you can tell he is a very knowledgeable author and passionate about the fantasy genera. I have only read the first book in the series, but The Mortal Tally and God’s Last Breath are on the top of my wish list once time allows.

Brandon Sanderson, Sam Sykes, Patrick Rothfuss, V. E. Schwab
Top 25 countdown of 2019

Starting my top 25 countdown

I have listened to over 160 books and accumulated over 2,300+ hours of listening time. I primarily focus on the fantasy and sci-fi genre. This December I will be doing a top 25 countdown of my favorite series’s ending with my #1 series on Christmas day. Look out at we take a wild ride though magical creatures, wizards, star ships, rogues, time travel, magic systems and Star Wars.